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Mrs. Donahoe's Webpage

Hello! My name is Charlotte Donahoe, and I am the middle school math teacher (6th, 7th, and 8th grade math).  I have been employed by Brookeland ISD for 31 years--eight years as the secretary and 23 years as a teacher. I was an elementary teacher (2nd/3rd grade) for almost 20 years. Four years ago, I made the transition to junior high, and now I love it! It is such a joy to teach children and see the happiness on their faces when they understand a concept! I do my very best to make learning fun for my students and build a good rapport with them because I feel like they will learn better if they enjoy my class!

My classroom rules revolve around the word RESPECTRemember your manners. Expect the best of yourself. Share ideas--not answers. Punctuality is important. Enjoy learning. Consider others' feelings. Treat others as you wish to be treated. 

My grading policy is consistent with the district-wide grading policy--Test grades count as 60% of the six weeks grade, and daily grades count as 40% of the six weeks grade. 

When a student is absent, he/she has 3 days to complete the make up work. 

My conference is from 12:49 - 1:36. If you would like to set up a conference, please call the office or email me at

The staff of Brookeland ISD believes that ALL students can learn.  We believe that our school’s purpose is to educate all students to high levels of academic performance while fostering positive growth in social/emotional behaviors and attitudes.  We accept the responsibility to teach all students in a challenging, meaningful way that allows each child to become a literate, contributing adult.  Brookeland ISD is a center for sound learning, academic discovery, and the pursuit of wisdom through advanced course offerings, high academic standards and aggressive, innovative instruction.  The students of Brookeland ISD will excel and compete academically with any students in the country.

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