Here are some videos covering Ecology (Symbiotic Relationships and Predator and Prey) on YouTube that you can watch. I will also attach virtual labs through National Parks, Museums, and Zoos you can walk through and enjoy. Think about how if one species is removed from the environment, how will that impact the ecosystem it is a part of to maintain homeostasis? Why is that important? Where is that species in relation to the Food Web? The energy pyramid? What are some ways we can do to help preserve our ecosystem in our area alone?
Here are some links to virtual labs:
Facebook: Follow Forth Worth Zoo
Here is a link to how a virus invades your body from Monday's lesson:
WEEK OF MARCH 23-27, 2020
Your writing assignments for this week are going to be as follows:
Firstly, if you have not watched the videos from last week, complete those.
You will have 3 writing assignments-- one page essays that can be typed (double-spaced) and email it to me. I will be checking by Friday for your work.
1. Write an essay explaining Symbiotic Relationships (Mutualism, Commensalism, and Parasitism) One of the videos above explained each one. You can research each one individually, give definitions, examples in nature, and which one do you find the most interesting and why.
2. Write an essay explaining Predator and Prey relationships. You may choose from the videos I provided on species to cover.
3. Write an essay over an ecosystem of your choice (desert, rainforest, marine, forest, etc.) Tell of the species that occupy it, predator and prey relationships, and symbiotic relationships all within that ecosystem.
I will be checking by Friday for your emails. If you know of a classmate without laptop/phone usage, please email me their name.
Students spend time outdoors experiencing nature. Take a meditation walk perhaps at the park (not during curfew hours and with an adult, and stay away from others). Notice the things around you and observe all the things we have learned about this year. From even the microscopic image of animal/plant cells; and how one cell becomes many cells until it becomes something you can enjoy with your eyes. Make this a project you can get knowledge from adults that know some of the plants just around your home. Maybe your family is planting a garden this spring, or have planted some fruit trees, or just enjoy flowering-plants. If plants don't interest you, you may do an insect collection perhaps. Grab a jar and go bug collecting the old-fashion way! Get in-touch with nature and get creative.
-Identify at least 10 different plant/insect species in your yard or in your neighborhood. There are apps you can download temporarily on your phone like Plantsnapp (apple only) or FlowerChecker. (google in app store). Use the same method for insect collecting (Bugfinder). Research each species and write a brief description about each one and email them to me. I would like to see pictures, too!
Here is a picture of an insect we did a lab about I found at my home. If you remember the lab and the insect, it's worth extra points! (I told you to start looking for them about this time because they would be out!)
Happy hunting and get outdoors and get some fresh air! :)